Creativity is a great tool to use in your quiet time to connect with God.

December is known as an absolutely crazy season and often times it shows in our relationship with God. This challenge is designed to get us in the Word, and staying connected with our Heavenly Father. There’s a word prompt taken from scripture and a colour prompt with the meaning relating to the scripture to get your inspiration going. You can combine both or focus on one.

Also feel free to ditch the prompts and go with what the Lord lays on your heart as you create.
There’s no pressure and no right or wrong way to go about it. Time with God and time being creative is the win.

  1. LAMB // Isaiah 40:9-11 — amber – the Father’s Heavenly care
  2. CRUSH // Genesis 3:8-15–red – redemption
  3. STARS // Genesis 15:1-6 — purple – inheritance
  4. MOUNTAIN // Isaiah 52:7-9 — brown – earth
  5. STUMP // Isaiah 11:1-10 — emerald – new beginnings
  6. BRANCH // Zecharias 6:12-13 — green – growth
  7. SMALL // Micah 5:2-3 — blue – prophetic
  8. WILDERNESS // Isaiah 40:1-5 — orange – power
  9. FIRE // Malachi 3:1-6 — gold – refining fire
  10. PRINCE // Isaiah 9:6 — cadmium – glory of God
  11. THRONE // Isaiah 9:7 — indigo – royalty
  12. LIGHT // John 1:1-8 — turquoise – knowledge
  13. WORD // John 1:9-18 — beige – God’s truth
  14. INCENCE // Luke 1:5-13 — lavender – fragrance
  15. HEART // Luke 1:14-17 — pink – healing
  16. SERVANT // Luke 1:26-38 — violet – infilling of the Holy Spirit
  17. JOY // Luke 1:39-45 — burgandy – rejoice
  18. SONG // Luke 1:46-56 — blush – sweetness
  19. HORN // Luke 1:67-80 — black – mysteries of God
  20. MARRY // Matthew 1:18-25 — white – angelic presence
  21. CLOTH // Luke 2:1-7 — teal – birth
  22. SHEPHERD // Luke 2:8-20 — ochre – intentional pursuit
  23. TREASURES // Matthew 2:9-11 — sienna – wealth
  24. SEE // Luke 2:25-35 — cerulean – revelation

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