- JOHN 1:9
light // the reflection of true light - ISAIAH 7:14
sign // signs - NUMBERS 24:17
scepter // the scepter and the star - MICAH 5:2
ruler // the runt is the ruler - ISAIAH 40:3-5
highway // highways in the desert - ISAIAH 9:7
throne // throne of justice and righteousness - JOHN 1:4-5
shine // shine on - ISAIAH 11:1-5
fruit // the roots that bear fruit - ZECHARIAH 6:12-13
temple // build your temple - JOHN 1:14
flesh // flesh and blood - MALACHI 3:1-3
fire // refiner’s fire - JOHN 1:16-18
reveal // the revealing - 1 PETER 1:18-20
lamb // the spotless lamb - GALATIANS 4:4-5
adopt // my adoption story - LUKE 1:26-38
angel // “greetings” said the angel - LUKE 1:39-45
joy // overjoyed - LUKE 1:45-56
humble // favor & humility - LUKE 1:57-66
hand // the Lord’s hand - MATTHEW 1:18-21
married // an expectant marriage - MATTHEW 1:22-23
birth // birthing a promise - LUKE 2:4-7
manger // away in a manger - LUKE 2:8-20
shepherds // angels & shepherds - MATTHEW 2:1-2
star // follow the star - MATTHEW 2:10-11
treasures // the greatest treasure