Celebrate the festive season with some creativity

Nothing brings about mixed feelings like the festive season. By the time Christmas rolls around we’re at the tail end of a lot of things. Some good things, and inevitably, some challenging things. For some this time of year is the busiest in terms of work (may the Lord be with you if you work in retail) and for some, it’s the time of year where you see the most challenging people in your life. We love family, of course, but not everyone brings out the best in us.

It’s easy to get over a season like this before it even begins.

The wonder of Christmas should never get old though. At least not in my personal opinion. The thing about wonder is that it needs to be cultivated. As Bill Johnson puts it, “we’re supposed to grow down, not up.” In the growing “up” we forget about the wonder of this magnificent Christmas story. We forget how awe-inspiring that a Father would send His Son, our Saviour, in the most humble way possible. A tiny infant, born in a stable, spending His first night in a manger.

Even at birth, the world didn’t seem to have much space for Jesus… how some of us feel at the Christmas family dinner right?

So, let’s rekindle our wonder this Christmas season. I’ve created this brand new Christmas Creative Challenge to keep your eyes on the wonder of Jesus from 1-24 December, the days leading up to the 25th. There is a prompt-list for the artist, and one for the writer. If you’re not keen on getting your paints and pencils out this festive season, why not get your journal and pen out? Whatever your expression, get in the Word and cultivate a posture of wonder this Christmas.

  1. JOHN 1:9
    light // the reflection of true light
  2. ISAIAH 7:14
    sign // signs
  3. NUMBERS 24:17
    scepter // the scepter and the star
  4. MICAH 5:2
    ruler // the runt is the ruler
  5. ISAIAH 40:3-5
    highway // highways in the desert
  6. ISAIAH 9:7
    throne // throne of justice and righteousness
  7. JOHN 1:4-5
    shine // shine on
  8. ISAIAH 11:1-5
    fruit // the roots that bear fruit
  9. ZECHARIAH 6:12-13
    temple // build your temple
  10. JOHN 1:14
    flesh // flesh and blood
  11. MALACHI 3:1-3
    fire // refiner’s fire
  12. JOHN 1:16-18
    reveal // the revealing
  13. 1 PETER 1:18-20
    lamb // the spotless lamb
  14. GALATIANS 4:4-5
    adopt // my adoption story
  15. LUKE 1:26-38
    angel // “greetings” said the angel
  16. LUKE 1:39-45
    joy // overjoyed
  17. LUKE 1:45-56
    humble // favor & humility
  18. LUKE 1:57-66
    hand // the Lord’s hand
  19. MATTHEW 1:18-21
    married // an expectant marriage
  20. MATTHEW 1:22-23
    birth // birthing a promise
  21. LUKE 2:4-7
    manger // away in a manger
  22. LUKE 2:8-20
    shepherds // angels & shepherds
  23. MATTHEW 2:1-2
    star // follow the star
  24. MATTHEW 2:10-11
    treasures // the greatest treasure

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