A Joshua Kind Of Faith

Lelané Klose

January 31, 2025

I don’t know about you, but as much as I hate to admit it, there are certain verses in the Bible that I tend to grow really familiar with. I read them and read them, until I eventually read over them. Barely noticing their impact and significance anymore. I like the fresh revelation. The new thoughts and ideas. Scriptures like “be strong and courageous” and “for I know the plans for you, says the Lord” become commonplace. We lose our wonder.

As much as we might grow familiar with a certain part of the Bible, it doesn’t mean that it gets any less significant. It doesn’t mean that it is any less impactful. Familiarity is our greatest enemy when it comes to our relationship with the Father and the reading of our Bible.

This is something I’ve been particularly aware of over the past 2 years. Over that time God has anchored me in some very familiar passages. Last year it was Jeremiah 29:11. I am not even going to quote it, because I’m sure you already have an idea of what’s there. But by reading and studying it again, I had an opportunity to be changed anew by the Scriptures I was so familiar with.

This year (2025), I felt God lead me to the book of Joshua.

Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid, neither be dismayed; for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go – Joshua 1:9

Ending Exhausted

The end of 2024 came with a next-level of exhaustion for me. I just launched and released a book I wrote (available on Kindle and paperback) and let me tell you, I did not anticipate the massive amounts of work that would go into that. Apart from the whole writing-it part of the book. A few days after the launch my mom was admitted to hospital. She spent two long weeks in High Care. She was released on Christmas Eve, and it would be an understatement to say the following days was a blur.

Next thing I knew, it was a brand new year and I realized I needed to figure out where God was going with me during this season. Or at least, where we would be starting off. I felt tired from what had been an emotional roller-coaster of a year and I wasn’t entirely sure I was ready for whatever God wanted to get underway. I was, however, hoping that the new season would have something to do with “easy victory” or “breakthrough without the warfare”… you know, something along those lines.

Well, instead of the no-warfare-word I hoped for, I felt God take me to one of the Old Testament’s bravest and fiercest generals: Joshua.

Be Strong And Courageous

The book of Joshua tells the story of the Israelites’ journey into the Promised Land. Moses had just passed away, and the position of ‘leader’ has just been handed over to Moses’ right-hand man, Joshua. So, we fall into chapter 1 where God is informing Joshua of his role, and in the same breath encouraging him to be strong and courageous.

This man is about to lead the chosen people of God into their inheritance, I imagine a bit of pressure might come with the job. But, God tells Joshua 3 times in the span of about 9 verses to remember to be strong and courageous. And not just courageous, but very courageous.

I have spent some time reading through the first 8 chapters of Joshua. And as I read it, there are a few things that stand out to me.


When you read through Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy, you’ll find the account of Moses and the Israelites being freed from Egypt and wandering in the desert. During that time, Moses had quite a few encounters with God. In many of them, when God asks something of Moses or challenges him to do something, there is a bit of back and forth between God and Moses. He asked some questions or reasoned things out with God, and then God sends help and reassures him. This is a beautiful thing to read, and the amazing intimacy Moses had with God is something to look to for all of us.

That being said, there is also something about the immediate obedience you see in Joshua. Within the first few chapters of this book, there is no question and no doubt.

God gives Joshua radical instructions like, walk around the walls of the city of Jericho and you know… shout loud. That will make sure you win the city. Or what about when God said to him that he needed to send the priests into the river Jordan and then the water would dry up and they could pass through to the other side? That was just about the sum total of instruction he received. The Bible says that Joshua got up and did it. In fact, when you read how he spoke, it seems so sure… so confident. Like he knew that if God said there would be a path to cross the river, then it would be so.

Joshua told the people, “Consecrate yourselves, for tomorrow the Lord will do amazing things among you.” – Joshua 3:5

I am so deeply challenged by Joshua’s obedience. When God speaks, he responds. There is no delay and no doubt in him.

Strategy And Action

I don’t know about you, but there was a time in my Christianity where I honestly thought the only battle that happened in the book of Joshua was the one found in chapter 4. Jericho was not the only nation that Israel had to conquer. There were many surrounding battles that still needed to be fought before God’s people could rest in their Promised Land.

Each battle had a different strategy. Jericho was the only place that was conquered through shouts and marching. The next battle (Ai), would be a war. One that they initially lost because one soldier compromised and went against God’s instruction. They corrected the wrong, went back and came out victorious. What I’m getting at is, crossing the river was one thing. It was not the end of the battle of a 40 year wilderness-wander. It was the start.

To take ground, action is required. Joshua couldn’t remain at the banks of the Jordan and say: “oh look, we made it. We’ve arrived on the other side and now we’re done.” No, they may have made it to the land, but there are still other things occupying it. They had to apply strategy and take action.

The Secret To Success

In the first few verses of Joshua 1, God gives Joshua the secret to entering into the Promised Land. He basically gives him a clear guide to ensure that he is successful in all he takes on in God’s name.

Be strong and very courageous. Be careful to obey all the law my servant Moses gave you; do not turn from it to the right or to the left, that you may be successful wherever you go. Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful. – Joshua 1:7-8

Who knew that right here, in Joshua, we have the secret to success.

  1. Speak the Word of God
  2. Meditate on the Word of God
  3. Apply the Word of God

Some things in the Bible are actually quite clear. In fact, this is the principle that is applied when Joshua and his men lose the initial battle against Ai. Someone in the camp did not apply what God had spoken. God said that they are not allowed to loot anything for themselves when they defeated Jericho – all of it was to be consecrated unto the Lord. One man disobeyed. And for his disobedience, a defeat in battle was the consequence.

What you speak, what you meditate on and Who and how you obey is the key to walking into your Promised Land.

Be Strong And Very Courageous

What am I getting at? I get a sense that this year is going to be big for many of us. That this year we will see fruit from seeds planted many years ago. And perhaps for you, just like me… you didn’t enter into 2025 ready for battle. In fact, you’re still pretty wounded from all the battles of the previous season.

Here’s the thing though, if God is telling me to be strong and courageous, He does so with the grace to be able to follow it through. The disconnect often comes with my own unbelief. I wonder if He could really… Could He really dry up a river? I don’t know. Could He really win a battle with a ram’s horn and a few shouts? I don’t know, but it feels like it could be a bit embarrassing to even risk it…

God gives Joshua some pretty crazy commands right from the start. And he follows through with each and every one of them. He takes the lead, goes to battle with God’s strategy and follows the guide to success as God lays it out for him.

Your Promised Land

Strong And Courageous

It is a scary thing to write about the notion of a Promised Land when all you see is a river and a whole lot of cities that seem stronger than you. But that’s a Joshua-faith. It is the faith that declares that God is about to do something great in your midst, before you ever dip your toe in the Jordan. It believing that He is a faithful Man of His Word.

Perhaps this year, it’s time to move. I know it is certainly for me. It is a time to be obedient when obedience is called for… not a week, or a month later (I’m talking to myself of course). It is time to stop hanging out at the river banks, and it is time to cross. It’s time to take a step into the water and even though your toes, ankles and knees get wet, to trust that the river will dry up, simply because He said so.

Perhaps this is a time to stop talking about “Promised Land” with complaints about manna under our breath. Perhaps it’s time to open our Bibles and declare what is in it. To speak it out, meditate on it and apply it practically to our day-to-day lives.

Be strong and very courageous, dear friend. Your Promised Land exists. God knows exactly where it is, and when He is the one leading, following is a whole lot easier. So, let’s follow the King of kings wherever He might lead and trust Him to get us there exactly when we need to be there.

And dear friend, I also just pray… for me and for you, against any delays caused by the schemes of the enemy or because of our own doubt and disobedience. May the Lord speak clearly, and may you have all the boldness and courage to do all He asks of you.


Picture of Lelané Klose

Lelané Klose

Artist, author, deep thinker and founder of Wildly Pursuing Jesus. Encountering God for the first time through hearing His voice changed my life forever. Since that moment in the early hours one morning in 2011, I have had a passion to equip others to hear His voice through communing with God in different ways.
Picture of Lelané Klose

Lelané Klose

Artist, author, deep thinker and founder of Wildly Pursuing Jesus. Encountering God for the first time through hearing His voice changed my life forever. Since that moment in the early hours one morning in 2011, I have had a passion to equip others to hear His voice through communing with God in different ways.

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