I’m not going to lie, I’m surprised you’re clicking on this link.
It is always a beautiful gift when someone intentionally wants to know you a bit better. My heart is to keep this a platform where authenticity is the standard. I want to be real, and in turn show you that it’s totally okay to be that too. Not everyone in our lives will get us, not everyone will appreciate our quirks, but at the end of the day your design is a very intentional one. God made no mistake when He made you exactly as you are.
So, who am I, you ask? My name is Lelané Klose, pronounced as Li-laa-nie Close-zee. Don’t worry too much about the pronunciation, it really doesn’t offend me if someone gets it wrong. I appreciate the attempt regardless. I reside in a beautiful little coastal town in South Africa. That being said, I must be honest and say, I’m not much of a beach-goer. I mean, in theory, I love it… in practice though, I can’t say I find myself there all too often. Since we’re revealing potential offensive truths, let me also just let you know that I don’t drink coffee. Not at all. I don’t like the smell, the taste… none of it. And to answer your follow-up, I’m also not a tea-lover. Yep, no hot beverages for me. Ironically though, I absolutely love mugs and have a massive collection of them. Do I drink my Steri-Stumpie or Pepsi from it though? Yes. Yes I do. Unashamedly so! Non-hot-drink-lovers also get to use mugs all the same (she says overly passionately, making a point no one actually cares about)!
I have always felt a tug in my heart towards the creative. It started with drawing, grew into photography, then it became graphic design and in true full-circle fashion, circled back to the traditional methods of drawing. I was working in the design industry when I felt the need to express myself in a way without restrictions. Where I could do what I wanted and release what was inside. I started to carry a little drawing journal with me everywhere, doodling and drawing whenever I had a moment.

It wasn’t until someone in my church asked me why I’m not dabbling in prophetic art, that I even thought to learn more about it. That conversation led to me starting to buy books and dive into resources about what it meant to create with God. I prefer that term more than ‘prophetic’ art as such to be honest. Our creative expressions are an invitation for us to go deeper with God, if we only allowed Him into that space. Artists don’t have to be rebels, depressed or troubled. No no, we can be whole, and filled with joy and life and as we create, allow that to weave its way through our brush strokes onto the canvas.
When God laid a burden of helping others explore their own creativity on my heart, I was a bit disappointed. It felt like a second rate calling. “But God there are things that are just so much more important that we should be talking about… does this even matter!”. It has taken me a few years to really have this truth settle in my heart, but man oh man, if there’s anything that I’ve learned it is that it absolutely matters. This is not just a matter of doodles, but a matter of identity. My creativity… YOUR creativity… is of Kingdom importance.
Now, I’m not qualified to talk about this at all, and I’m willing to bet that a part of you might feel the same. Maybe you’re not sure if your creativity is needed, or if it’s significant in any way. Yet, here we are. If you were looking for a sign of significance, consider this it. If your heart is willing to say yes to God, you are the most qualified person in the room and if your heart is stirred reading that, even just a little, then you know that God is calling you to the more. The artists’ journey is a notoriously lonely one, so let’s be intentional to not walk it alone.
Please stick around as we journey along this creative adventure, together.
Check out my YouTube channel to hear some of my stories and see some of my art, follow me on the socials and sign up for my newsletter to stay up to date with the latest
One Response
I went on YouTube today to look for a christian artist that will inspire me personally and with the art ministry I started at my church in 2021. We do workshops, exhibits, events and just put out our first quarterly magazine. You have a sweet spirit in Christ and I can relate so well to your creative journey. I look forward to what you post in the future. Please be encouraged that God has used your creative journey in other artisans lives. May God Bless You… Melissa